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June 2024 Government Affairs Report

City of Olympia

City of Olympia

This month was light with council meetings as the summer will likely be.

    1. Ordinance 7391 (rental housing code) was amended with technical corrections in particular to amend to a 7% rent increase in a 12 month period.
    2. There was a work session around the Capital Mall Triangle Plan-as it needs to be refreshed:
      1. Capital Mall Triangle | Engage Olympia (

Council also held their mid year retreat in which the Comprehensive Plan review was notable on the agenda.

  1. I continued to participate in the Black Home Initiative stakeholder meetings, a non-profit that has been working out of King and Pierce counties to close the gap on homeownership for past racial inequities.  

Ways to get involved & Stay informed: Engage Olympia (

    1. Climate Action: opportunity to share ideas online to help set the direction based on values and visions. Olympia 2045: Climate Action & Resilience | Engage Olympia (
    2. Land Use and Design:  Watch a City video to learn more..looks to be more future opportunity to be involved  Introduction to the Olympia 2045 Land Use and Urban Design Chapter (
    3. Neighborhood Centers:  Take part in the community Survey to help identify areas:
      1. Neighborhood Centers | Engage Olympia (


Thurston County

Thurston County

Thurston County Board of County Commissioners

  • Contract with Interfaith Works for Golden Gavel Operations-Approved
    • To fund operations at the former Golden Gavel hotel for 26 permanent supportive housing units in the amount of $804,594. This will initially be through the ERP/Right of Way initiative, a joint project between Department of Commerce and Washington State Department of Transportation.
    • Services provided will include the following, but not limited to:
      • Case management/peer navigation services
      • Resource/service connection
      • Enrichment support to promote housing stability and pro social skills
      • Tenancy skills improvement
    • Sealed Bids for Tamoshan Water and Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Replacement Project-Approved
      • Thurston County Public Works owns and operates the water and sewer system serving the Tamoshan neighborhood. The water distribution and sewer collection system infrastructure were constructed in the 1970s and was subsequently acquired by the County due to the system's inability to maintain regulatory compliance. The Tamoshan Water and Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Replacement Project will rehabilitate existing manhole structures, sewer main, and service connections within the Tamoshan sewer system. In addition, the project will replace older asbestos cement water main and deteriorated water service connections.
    • Approved-Affordable Housing Funding Awards to fund eight projects for a combined total estimated at $5,985,969 to the following recipients:
      • Behavioral Health Resources-B&B Apartments redevelopment Phase 1 Four-Plex Acquisition
      • Homes First-Four Plex Acquisition and/or Rehab for Affordable housing
      • Homes First-O'Farrell ADUs
      • Homes First-Single Family Home Acquisition for low-income tenants
      • Low Income Housing Institute-Permanent Support housing
      • Low Income Housing Institute-Maple Court Permanent Supportive Housing
      • South Puget Sound Habitat for Humnanity-Talicn Townhomes-Phase 1
      • South Puget Sound Habitat for Humnanity-Yelm Longmire-Phase 2

City of Lacey

Work Session-Neighborhood Commercial Districts & Housing within Neighborhood Commercial Districts-Draft Code review (Informational Only, quite a bit of discussion between staff and council)

  • Housing within Neighborhood Commercial Districts (Ownership & Affordability)
    • Public Hearing Feedback/Themes:
      • Important topic to address (citywide)
      • Townhomes are viewed as a compatible transitioning style of development
      • Multifamily Tax Exemption not currently available
    • Potential Action: Expand Multi-Family Tax Exemption to more parts of the city (Currently, only offered in the Woodland District)
      • Approved project sites are exempt from property taxation on residential improvement value for a period of 8 or 12 years.
    • 12-year exemption requires the development to include a minimum 20% affordable housing.
    • 8-year exemption carries no affordable housing requirement.
  • Home Ownership/Townhomes
    • Chapter 16.61 Townhouse Development
      • Encourages infilling
      • Provides efficient use of land and energy
      • Diversity of housing stock to serve a wide range of individual homeownership requirements
    • Chapter 14.23.076 Design Criteria for Townhouses
      • Promote attractive, safe and functional design that addresses the needs of future residents while integrated into the surrounding neighborhood.
      • Minimize impacts between multi-family developments and established single-family areas
      • Provide visual linkages between the proposed development and the existing neighborhood.
    • Affordable Housing Options-Planning Commission Recommendations
      • Ground floor residential units must meet affordable housing definitions as identified within RCW 36.70A.030 (Rental Housing 60% of the median household income)
    • Alternatives:
      • Update Multifamily Tax Exemption chapter to include additional districts
        • (Accomplished through 2025 Comp Plan Update)
      • Ground floor residential permitted in the form of Townhomes
        • Garage, lot size and privacy/elevated entry requirements
      • 20% of affordable units required in Neighborhood Commercial Districts with ground floor residential uses
    • Approved-Ordinance No. 1661 Authorizing the Use of Eminent Domain to Acquire Property Rights for the Well 7 Replacement Project
    • Well 7 Constructed in 1976-depth 480 feet deep
    • Significant declines in capacity since 2019
    • 2160 Gallons per minute down to 1600 gpm
    • New Well Preferred Option
    • 100ft NE of Existing Well 7
    • Would require acquisition of portions of 2 properties adjacent to existing well and treatment sites:
      • Benefits include:
        • High likelihood of a successful well due to proximity
        • Provides the best facility layout
        • Easiest expansion of ATEC building
        • Easiest access between Well and Treatment sites
        • Room for future improvements
        • Fewer parties to coordinate with
        • Majority of sanitary setback is under city control
      • Negatives
        • Multiple owners involved

City of Tumwater-Work Session/Information Only

  • 2025 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update-Development Code
    • Middle Housing-Increase middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family detached housing
    • Accessory Dwelling Units-Expand housing options by easing barriers to the construction and use of accessory dwelling units
    • Co-Housing and other residential ownership types-Increase the supply and affordability of residential units affordable to people with an AMI of 50% or more
    • Use of Existing buildings for housing-Use of existing commercial industrial or institutional buildings for residential purposes
  • Discussion:
    • How can the code language be simplified to allow more housing to be built
    • The need for housing in Tumwater
    • Who are we planning for?
    • Anticipated Future housing Need
    • City's role in Development
      • Zoning and regulations under the State Growth Management Act
      • Permit Procedures
      • Infrastructure that facilitates housing development
    • Project website.
    • Event: Hybrid Open Houses and Community Conversations-
      • In-person Land Use and Development Code Community Open House October 2, 2024, at 7pm, with a separate online component starting the same day running for 2 weeks.



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