December 2024 President’s Message

Dear TCRA Members,
As the end of the year quickly approaches, I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on my
year as President of this Association. As I came into this year, I knew that it would be met
with challenges. With the ever-changing landscape in our industry and the NAR settlement
looming over the Association we had a very uncertain year ahead of us this time last year. I
am proud to say that we have successfully navigated a very challenging year! I have had a
wonderful opportunity this year to support the Association and through it our members.
Your Board of Directors has diligently worked to maintain operations and services to propel
the Association forward this year. In doing so we have supported our members and our
mission. I am honored to have been able to serve the Association alongside with them.
Going forward as Mark Kitabayashi serves his third term as President of TCRA I look forward
to seeing what the 2025 Board of Directors will accomplish in the coming year. I am certain
with Mark’s experience and passion for REALTORS® it will be another year of forward
progress for the Association. Lucky for me I will have a front row seat to witness this
success as I serve my last year on the Board as Immediate Past President in 2025.
I would like to thank Jenn Chernut for accepting the role as Association Executive in April
and the hard work that she has put into the Association since her first day with us. Jenn has
been an incredible addition to TCRA this year. She has worked tirelessly on making
necessary improvements in the operations of the Association and our events. As Jenn
continues in this role making positive changes for our members, I am certain that TCRA will
better for it.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Anya Myer for her remarkable dedication and
service to TCRA over the past three years. Anya’s commitment to the best interests of our
Association and its members was always evident in both her heart and her actions. She
exemplifies the true spirit of servant leadership, and we were fortunate to have her as a
leader in our organization. I wish her all the best as she steps away from the Board, and
hope she enjoys her well-deserved time off.
In closing I want to say thank you to our members. It has been an honor and a privilege to
serve as your 2024 President. One that I will not soon forget. As we all move into 2025, I
wish you all continued success.
With all the joy of the season I bid you farewell and wish you happy holidays!
Warm regards,
Tracie L. Choate
2024 TCRA President