July 2024 Government Affairs Report
City of Olympia
City of Olympia
This month was light with council meetings since we are in summer mode.
- Missing Middle—working on harmonizing code changes since there have been both city and state level changes since 7/19.
- Also a climate debrief—the goal is 0 emissions by 2040 and they are not on track.
- The largest emissions are from residential and commercial buildings (followed by transportation). The municipality partners all have some sort of staff working on this topic and there will be opportunity for community engagement later this year.
Ways to get involved & Stay informed:
- City volunteer work parties to volunteer with: Opportunities | Volunteer Olympia (olympiawa.gov)Ways to get involved & Stay informed: Engage Olympia (olympiawa.gov)
- Comprehensive Plan Update—Every 10 years the city is required by State Law to review and update. There are several sections that participation opportunities will open up on over the next several months. https://engage.olympiawa.gov/olympia2045 send individual comments to: olympia2045@ci.olympia.wa.us
- Climate Action: opportunity to share ideas online to help set the direction based on values and visions. Olympia 2045: Climate Action & Resilience | Engage Olympia (olympiawa.gov)
- Land Use and Design: Watch a City video to learn more..looks to be more future opportunity to be involved Introduction to the Olympia 2045 Land Use and Urban Design Chapter (youtube.com)
Will likely be reading for public input in the Fall.
- Neighborhood Centers: Take part in the community Survey to help identify areas:
- Public participation and partners—how city does outreach to citizens/stakeholders etc.—draft update is available and will have a public hearing in October Olympia 2045: Public Participation and Partners | Engage Olympia (olympiawa.gov)
- Housing-looking to incorporate state changes into the new chapter and also address housing affordability and racial/economic displacement. Also incorporate the strategies in the 2021 Housing Action Plan. Olympia 2045: Housing | Engage Olympia (olympiawa.gov)
- Map of current City projects and what they are: https://www.olympiawa.gov/info/construction_in_olympia/index.php
- Rental Registry— Rental Registry (olympiawa.gov)
Thurston County
Thurston County
Thurston County Board of County Commissioners
- Approved-Vital Housing Courtside Apartments Funding
- This was in response to Thurston County’s RFP request for affordable housing capital projects in April 2024. The Thurston Affordable Housing Advisory Board reviewed, scored and recommended funding this project of $1,357,699.15.
- The project is to acquire and preserve 112 units of affordable housing at Courtside Apartments in Olympia.
City of Lacey
- Approved-Ordinance 1662: Neighborhood Commercial District Code
- The code will be amended to reflect the affordable housing provisions consistent with the minimum standards necessary for a development to comply with Multi-Family Tax Exemption standards.
- Ground Floor Multifamily Residential Uses are permitted within Neighborhood Commercial Districts.
- 20% of all residential units are required to meet affordable housing definitions.
- Units must be maintained as affordable for at least 50 years and record or deed restrictions that ensure continued affordability.
- Information Only-2025 Comprehensive Plan is divided into different subject areas and are listed below on the Survey Link. Please use the link to sign up for the sections that you are interested in.
- 2025-2027 HOME Interlocal Agreement (Information Only)
- Federal program administered by HUD
- Thurston County is a HOME Entitlement Community and Oversees the program
- Jurisdictions alone cannot receive HOME funding
- Current ILA is 2022-2024 and funds can be spent anywhere in Thurston County but must be used to benefit households that make less than 80% of the area median income.
- New ILA assures HOME projects can continue being funded in Lacey.
- Eligible activities include:
- Building, buying and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent.
- Building homes for low-income households to purchase.
- Down payment assistance to low-income households when purchasing a home.
- Tenant-based rental assistance to low-income households (Thurston County does not currently use HOME funds for this purpose)
- Eligible activities include:
City of Tumwater
- Approved-Agreement with the Washington State Dept. Of Commerce for Installation of an Vehicle (EV) Charger Pilot at Pioneer Park
- The City was awarded grant funding to purchase and deploy an off-grid, solar powered, battery backed up EV charger with two Level 2 ports.
- 120-volt outlet for use for e-wheelchairs and e-bikes
- Grant includes funding to pre-pay for 6 years of operation and maintenance and warranty.
- Approved-Contract Approval for an 8-Year Multifamily Tax Exemption for the Rookery Apartments
- In 2017, the City Council adopted the Multifamily Housing Tax Exemption program to stimulate desired housing development within key areas of the City, such as the Brewery District and Capitol Boulevard Corridor. In 2019, the City Council approved expanding the 12-Year Multifamily Housing Tax Exemption program to the Town Center and Littlerock Subarea to encourage the development of permanent affordable housing as part of its 2019 Housing Affordability Work Plans. The program includes both an 8-year exemption for providing multifamily housing in the designated areas and a 12-year exemption for development providing a minimum of 20% of units designated for low or moderate-income households. The City has received an application for the 8-year exemption program for six apartments units as part of a mixed-use development in the Capital Boulevard Corridor Subarea.
- Information Only-Climate Element Update-New State Climate Element Requirements
- Climate mitigation sub-element to address actions to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled
- Climate resilience sub-element to address climate adaptation
- Consideration of environmental justice to avoid worsening environmental health disparities
- Project updates:
- Hired a multidisciplinary planning, design engineering firm.
- Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative Community Advisory Workgroup Visioning and Values Exercise
- Drafted Community Engagement Strategy
- Climate Policy Advisory Team
- Open House Scheduling
- In Person:
- August 14, 2024, from 7pm to 9pm
- ASHHO Cultural Community Center
- Virtual/Online
- August 15, 2024 –September 30, 2024
- Hosted as an online storymap
- Project Website: https://www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/departments/community-development-department/tumwater-comprehensive-plan/2025-comprehensive-plan-update
- Written comments or questions are welcome anytime during the periodic update process: compplan@ci.tumwater.wa.us
- Approved- Community Human Services Program-Home Repairs
- As part of the 2024 budget, $25,000 has been allocated to Low Income Senior Housing Repairs. The funds are intended to be used to provide repairs and safety improvements to low-income seniors who own a home, including manufactured homes.
- Rebuilding Together has been selected to be the service provider for this program.
- Approved-Interlocal Agreement between the City of Tumwater and Thurston County regarding the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program.
- The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is administered by (HUD) with the stated purpose of awarding grants to eligible communities to provide decent housing and a suitable living environment and to expand economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income people.
- The ILA establishes a new agreement with Thurston County reflecting a two-party agreement that distributes the total annual allocation of funds on a 2-year rotating basis with Tumwater receiving the funds in even numbered years and Thurston County receiving funds in odd numbered years.